Freedom From Religion Foundation: TRIBUTE TO ANNE NICOL GAYLOR
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Dan's Tribute Song...
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Anne as a college student.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: In 1949 she married Paul Joseph Gaylor, and they had four children.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Anne and Paul’s children: Andy, Jamie, Annie Laurie, Ian.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Twins Ian and Annie Laurie.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Andy, Annie Laurie, Ian, Paul, Jamie and Anne Gaylor.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Anne worked throughout her early marriage and pregnancies. In 1958, she started the first temporary office help service in Madison. In 1959, with a partner, she opened the first private employment agency in town. She sold the successful business in 1966.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: When Anne and Paul Gaylor purchased the Middleton Times Tribune, she edited it from 1967-1970 and turned it into an award-winning weekly.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Anne wrote the first editorial in the state, one of the first such editorials anywhere in the nation, in 1967, calling for legalization of abortion. The next phase of her life began.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Women's Medical Fund...
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Abortion is a Blessing...
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Freedom From Religion Foundation Founded.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: FFRF asked the county board to stop this unconstitutional practice.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Anne and Annie Laurie, 1976, after founding the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Freedom From Religion Foundation: FFRF Goes National...
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Lead Us Not Into Penn Station...
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Larry Lader’s Letter...
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Paul and Anne Gaylor in the 1970’s.