Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Everyone meet Pasha
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Pasha - first day home
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Apples & Grapes are a HIT! :)
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: He HATES his feathers being wet
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Looking through the water
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: We discovered peanut butter tonight
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: He was dancing!
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Pasha's New Castle
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Doesn't really care for the camera
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Still not sure
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Melons and Strawberries and Pineapple - OH MY!!
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Sunflower seeds
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Are you talkin' to ME?
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: 365 Animals, Day 1/Kiss
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: As usual, on my shoulder
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Look at that face! 365NonHuman/Day 3
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Stretching his wings/365NonHuman Day 4
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Beautiful Pasha
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: He's a goofy bird :)/NonHuman 365, Day 5
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Everyone loves Dove....../365NonHuman, Day 7
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Chewing on camera strap
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Pasha - after Sunday bathtime
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Pasha - after Sunday bathtime
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Mom, Look at me!/365 NonHuman, Day 9
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: He now loves his cage play-top :)
Free2bJ.C.♡Photos: Dinner is served......