frotos (Fred Shively): Baeza, Andalucia - the restorer, her dog and a really big restoration job
frotos (Fred Shively): Cañar, Andalucía, Spain
frotos (Fred Shively): Lanjarón, Andalucía, the Barrio Hondillo
frotos (Fred Shively): The blue door, Salobreña, Andalucía, Spain
frotos (Fred Shively): Valencia-Arts&Sciences park3
frotos (Fred Shively): Two up in Cordoba
frotos (Fred Shively): Sleeper 1 - Granada, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively): Madrigal del verano/Summer madrigal
frotos (Fred Shively): De 'Fábula y rueda de los tres amigos'/'Fable of Three Friends'
frotos (Fred Shively): Young dignity - Lanjarón, Spain
frotos (Fred Shively): Paréntesis/Parenthesis
frotos (Fred Shively): El regreso/The return - Fuente Vacqueros, Granada, Lorca