frotos (Fred Shively):
At Los Piedaos, Orgiva, Andalucia: Arpi & Carmelita (aka @cookitaly)
frotos (Fred Shively):
Manuel Olmo(@olmocs), Raquel Olmo & Carmelita Caruana (@cookitaly) at @fredshively 's place for the first time
frotos (Fred Shively):
Moroccan cookery class at Los Pieadaos:Manuel & Raquel Olmo preparing salads (@cookitaly aka Carmelita Caruana in the background)
frotos (Fred Shively):
Moroccan cookery class in Andalucia: The Essaouira chicken tagine comes together
frotos (Fred Shively):
The Moroccan cookery course class at Los Piedaos, Andalucia
frotos (Fred Shively):
Cinnamon & orange flower scented oranges
frotos (Fred Shively):
Moroccan cookery class at Los Pieadaos: rose scented pistachio stuffed dates
frotos (Fred Shively):
Moroccan cookery class at Los Piedaos: trio of desserts & mint tea with jasmine blossom
frotos (Fred Shively):
Moroccan cookery class at Los Pieadaos: Arpi, Manuel. Carmelita, Raquel, Caroline, Jan
frotos (Fred Shively):
Catalan cookery course at Los Piedaos-Carmelita (tutor), Sue and the mar y muntanya beginning to happen
frotos (Fred Shively):
Catalan cookery course with @cookitaly at Los Piedaos-the starters-Xato salad & squid with artichokes
frotos (Fred Shively):
Catalan cookery course at Los Piedaos-Spinach a la Catalana coming together
frotos (Fred Shively):
Catalan cookery course at Los Piedaos - spinach al la Catalana
frotos (Fred Shively):
Catalan cookery course at Los Piedaos - plat principal - mar y muntanya
frotos (Fred Shively):
Italian (Bolognese) cookery course at Los Piedaos - Carmelita Caruana of Cook Italy
frotos (Fred Shively):
Italian (Bolognese) cookery course at Los Piedaos - Garganelli con speck & aspargi coming together
frotos (Fred Shively):
Italian (Bolognese) cookery course at Los Piedaos - the class about to tuck into starters
frotos (Fred Shively):
Garganelli, Speck & asparagus at Los Piedaos
frotos (Fred Shively):
Italian (Bolognese) cookery course at Los Piedaos - Polpettone alla Bolognese con cipolle su purea di patate - @cookitaly at the helm
frotos (Fred Shively):
Italian (Bolognese) cookery course at Los Piedaos with @ Cook Italy - La Pana Cotta con le Amarene Fabbi
frotos (Fred Shively):
Pork solomillo and roasted slivered almonds in an oloroso reduction
frotos (Fred Shively):
Arpi's chickpea salad