fredhandbag: This "dog stuff" is tiring #fullnelson #canigotobednow
fredhandbag: Welcome to the family Nelson #halfnelson #rescuesaregreat
fredhandbag: Hey Nelson! Welcome to the neighborhood! Thanks Walter - Hey, where can we check out some hot babes...whisper, whisper..Never mind. Dad says l don't care about that anymore. See any good crate decorating ideas on Pinterest today? #fullnelson #welcometorol
fredhandbag: The gang wore me out today #apawsparadise #fullnelson #ilikemynewfriends #isitbedtimeyet #vizsla #zzzzzzzz
fredhandbag: None shall pass #blacknight #justascratch #somebodywillpetme #fullnelson #vizsla
fredhandbag: Objects are closer than they appear #fullnelson #sonicsundaynight #anybodysmellbacon
fredhandbag: What fun can we have today? #fullnelson #vizsla #tellmeaboutyourproblem
fredhandbag: Somebody say Treat? #fullnelson #iliketreats #toughdayatcamp
fredhandbag: Nelson is settling in and enjoying his new family #fullnelson #thisisalotmorecomfortablethanthefloor
fredhandbag: Palmetto Trail 178
fredhandbag: Palmetto Trail 160
fredhandbag: Sometimes l really need my Fluffy #fullnelson #vizsla #ourwalkwassohard #fluffyismyfriend
fredhandbag: My new ball is pretty fun #fullnelson #simpletoysaremorefun #littlethingsmakemehappy #finallygettobeapuppy #rescuesaregreat #vizsla
fredhandbag: I see a snack! #onlycatsilikearetigersandgarfield #herekittykitty #perrywasrightaboutcats #fullnelson #vizsla
fredhandbag: How did l do Mom? #fullnelson #vizsla #dogtraining #sureicansit
fredhandbag: Spending the day at camp with my buddies really wears me out #fullnelson #vizsla #atireddogisagooddog #igotnothing #apawsparadise
fredhandbag: Ready for a taste test...just let me know...anytime...I'm here for you #fullnelson #tastetesterextraordinaire #justletmeknow #cmondropsomething
fredhandbag: I'll just nap here under the table until all the bad traffic goes away #fullnelson #vizsla #napsareforwinners #trafficjam #worstoneever #stillamesseighthourslater #makeitapoolday
fredhandbag: Can l get a shake, Dad? Can l...please? #fullnelson #sonicsundaynight #dogtreats #nelsonneedssomeselfiepractice
fredhandbag: What's up, guys? Let me tell you about my day. #fullnelson #campreallytiresmeout #vizsla
fredhandbag: Now Nelson doesn't have to introduce himself to all the new guys at camp #fullnelson #inigomontoyawouldntfit #apawsparadise #hellomynameis
fredhandbag: Why doesn't Netflix have a dog channel? #fullnelson #vizsla #icanbingewatchtoo #gotanytreats
fredhandbag: Think I'll have a little taste of some artisanal street water #fullnelson #heyimadog #itwasdelicious
fredhandbag: Can l eat him, Mom? #fullnelson #vizsla #surelookstasty #itswhatsfordinner #CAT