Freddy Newendyke: Rehearsing the Industrial Revolution scene at Dagenham
Freddy Newendyke: Dagenham tent
Freddy Newendyke: The end of a rehearsal for the Industrial Revolution
Freddy Newendyke: Our view entering the stadium.
Freddy Newendyke: The big Bell
Freddy Newendyke: First day in the stadium!
Freddy Newendyke: Our light up bed lit up!
Freddy Newendyke: The Queen of Hearts
Freddy Newendyke: The stadium
Freddy Newendyke: The stadium
Freddy Newendyke: The Orbit
Freddy Newendyke: The stadium
Freddy Newendyke: The acquatics centre
Freddy Newendyke: Voldemort collapsing
Freddy Newendyke: Captain Hook
Freddy Newendyke: Lord Voldemort
Freddy Newendyke: Our make up look
Freddy Newendyke: A chimney of the Industrial Revolution
Freddy Newendyke: Yvonne - my dancing partner
Freddy Newendyke: Rehearsal of the Industrial Revolution section - Pandemonium
Freddy Newendyke: Rehearsal of the Industrial Revolution section - Pandemonium
Freddy Newendyke: Parading cloud
Freddy Newendyke: The chimneys of the Industrial Revolution
Freddy Newendyke: 60s men waiting on show day
Freddy Newendyke: Security stamp
Freddy Newendyke: Me on the way to the stadium.
Freddy Newendyke: Yvonne and Nicky on the way to the stadium
Freddy Newendyke: Red white and blue smoke
Freddy Newendyke: Red Arrows fly past at 20:12
Freddy Newendyke: Red Arrows fly past at 20:12