Frédéric Poirot: Maikhanh
Frédéric Poirot: Portrait of an asian woman
Frédéric Poirot: Memento mori
Frédéric Poirot: Heroes : M
Frédéric Poirot: A question
Frédéric Poirot: The oracle #1: The Universe is talking, listen
Frédéric Poirot: Anger #2: Stop it
Frédéric Poirot: Maikhanh
Frédéric Poirot: Inspiration
Frédéric Poirot: Maikhanh is back (or Bring it on)
Frédéric Poirot: You kidding me, right?
Frédéric Poirot: Hell's portal #1
Frédéric Poirot: Hell's portal #2