f r e d 001: do I make myself Crystal clear..?
f r e d 001: This is me, m&magneto.
f r e d 001: Look ma, now I have my own Jap animation series..
f r e d 001: summer or winter? I think I like both.
f r e d 001: that little tiny splash at the foreground
f r e d 001: Loving couple at the River Hong Bao Festival 2011
f r e d 001: everlasting love..?
f r e d 001: looking thru my office window
f r e d 001: Simplicity
f r e d 001: ....we now pronounce you husband and wife.
f r e d 001: Bunkers
f r e d 001: maschera del galeone
f r e d 001: "Oh…that building with the colourful windows…"
f r e d 001: if I only have time, I will do more strolling in the park, by the bank, etc..
f r e d 001: today i saw a giant microphone
f r e d 001: now i do believe God does exist
f r e d 001: fine dining in a Michelin 5 stars restaurant
f r e d 001: under the cauliflower tree
f r e d 001: classic still life
f r e d 001: Tom Cruise went to the loo
f r e d 001: Oops! I did it again...
f r e d 001: If eggs have emotion..
f r e d 001: Windows & doors
f r e d 001: Popping sun
f r e d 001: walk down history lane
f r e d 001: fizzling fun
f r e d 001: Seeing double (photographer), if you were to stand behind me.
f r e d 001: this lovely sunday afternoon
f r e d 001: she is one globe traveller