fred1st: Two Stinkers
fred1st: Civil Bluet Damselfly
fred1st: anemone
fred1st: Painted Trillium
fred1st: Beauty and the Beast
fred1st: WaspEye View
fred1st: fern2
fred1st: birdnest
fred1st: bloodroot
fred1st: Frozen in Time
fred1st: An Explosion of Autumn Color
fred1st: Mountain Mint
fred1st: Culver's Root
fred1st: wings
fred1st: First Frost
fred1st: Purkinje's Forest
fred1st: The old apple tree
fred1st: Where Worlds are Born
fred1st: Morning Web
fred1st: Light and Dark
fred1st: Praying Mantis
fred1st: Thistle in the Dew
fred1st: Pasture Thistle in October
fred1st: White Crab Waiting
fred1st: Bartlett Pear
fred1st: Hopper-Love
fred1st: Hickory Horned Devil
fred1st: Shelf Fungus
fred1st: Mid-air Refueling
fred1st: Spiral Galaxies