Fred Canon: First damselfly seen on our pond for 2023
Fred Canon: Another freshly-minted arrival & departure from the pond
Fred Canon: Calliphora vicina? on Horse Parsley (AKA Wild Celery)
Fred Canon: House Sparrow warning everyone our cat's about!
Fred Canon: Robin loaded up for the chicks
Fred Canon: Blue Tit foraging in the apple tree
Fred Canon: 1st Dragonfly seen on the pond this year!
Fred Canon: Broad-bodied Chaser in flight
Fred Canon: Female Broad Bodied Chaser on Water Mint
Fred Canon: Horror in the long grass
Fred Canon: Female Broad-Bodied Chaser at rest (Exp 22/06/23)
Fred Canon: Emperor Dragonfly ovipositing
Fred Canon: Emperor Dragonfly ovipositing
Fred Canon: Juvenile Starling
Fred Canon: Today's Pond Visitor : Broad-Bodied Chaser [Explore 13/07/23]
Fred Canon: Today's pond visitor : Common Darter V2
Fred Canon: Another angle on the Common Darter I posted earlier
Fred Canon: On the pond today : Emperor re-populating
Fred Canon: Emperor walking the tight-rope!
Fred Canon: On the pond today: A sparkly Common Darter! [Explored 070823]
Fred Canon: Garden visitor - Waxwing