Fred Canon: Green Veined White?
Fred Canon: Common Darter? (I'm normally wrong!)
Fred Canon: Green-eyed bee
Fred Canon: Young House(?) Sparrow looking for mum
Fred Canon: Golden Wings
Fred Canon: Thick-legged Flower Beetle? Oedemera nobilis (explored 24/05/20)
Fred Canon: Green Hairstreak - Callophrys rubi (I think!)
Fred Canon: Tiny stream, Lake District - summer 2019
Fred Canon: FILM + Luminar 4
Fred Canon: Hernhill and beyond from Boughton Hill (Kent)
Fred Canon: Pied Wagtail - almost a mono shot!
Fred Canon: Cooling Off in the shade - Maldon Promenade
Fred Canon: Heron in the afternoon sun
Fred Canon: Last one of the Grass Snake in our pond from yesterday
Fred Canon: Oast House & Barn, Dixter House & Gardens
Fred Canon: Dixter House & Gardens, East Sussex
Fred Canon: Anthophora bimaculata? That's my best guess!
Fred Canon: Tarn Hows, Lake District