freckleface: Dad and I
freckleface: Tracey, Lynn and Me
freckleface: Tracey, Lynn and Me
freckleface: Ice cream bar
freckleface: Ron and Tiffinny
freckleface: Gary and Richard
freckleface: Dad and Aunt Linda
freckleface: Uncle Dan and Aunt Geri
freckleface: the scene
freckleface: Tiffinny, Gia, me, and Tracey
freckleface: Tiffinny, Gia, me, Tracey and Anne
freckleface: Uncle Dan and Dad
freckleface: Tiffinny, Ron, Richard and Lynn
freckleface: here, have some tequila
freckleface: Hoola Hoop competition
freckleface: Hoola Hoop competition
freckleface: Hoola Hoop competition
freckleface: Hoola Hoop competition
freckleface: Hoola Hoop competition
freckleface: Richard and Gia
freckleface: Tiffinny, Gary and Lynn