Fray Bentos: A surprise encounter
Fray Bentos: Fray reverts to type
Fray Bentos: Fray reverts to type
Fray Bentos: Rails of inner London
Fray Bentos: Rails of inner London
Fray Bentos: A land fit for the mediocre
Fray Bentos: Some plastic
Fray Bentos: Old habits
Fray Bentos: An unexpected intrusion
Fray Bentos: Grainorama
Fray Bentos: A new railway epoch
Fray Bentos: It was not always thus
Fray Bentos: Shame about the train
Fray Bentos: Rails of the South Bank
Fray Bentos: Railway backwaters
Fray Bentos: Overnight fall
Fray Bentos: Ommmm....
Fray Bentos: A summer evening in 1963...
Fray Bentos: Trowse-bound
Fray Bentos: Days of dissipation
Fray Bentos: Summer rain
Fray Bentos: Across the stubble
Fray Bentos: They don't just take themselves
Fray Bentos: Still with us
Fray Bentos: Same place, different Duff.
Fray Bentos: Down by the line
Fray Bentos: Ooh, heritage traction.
Fray Bentos: Getting down with my inner nerd
Fray Bentos: Hell is other people
Fray Bentos: Doing the pools