Fray Bentos: The Scottish Bus Group.
Fray Bentos: Albion Lowlander, Glasgow.
Fray Bentos: Glasgow comes to Bristol.
Fray Bentos: Definitely Scottish.
Fray Bentos: Scottish bus.
Fray Bentos: Bernard's birthday.
Fray Bentos: Tiger Cub in Glasgow
Fray Bentos: My heart's in the Highlands...
Fray Bentos: Early example
Fray Bentos: Rare in Scotland
Fray Bentos: The RE in Scotland
Fray Bentos: Eminently Scottish
Fray Bentos: Edinburgh Corp. to the rescue!
Fray Bentos: Not a conspicuous success
Fray Bentos: Albion Viking
Fray Bentos: Eastern Scottish
Fray Bentos: Western SMT
Fray Bentos: Future Kennomeat tins
Fray Bentos: Alexander Fife
Fray Bentos: Unusual Scottish bus
Fray Bentos: Still making itself useful
Fray Bentos: Scottish cavalcade
Fray Bentos: Livery
Fray Bentos: Carlton again
Fray Bentos: Anglo-Scottish
Fray Bentos: Motherwell, apparently.
Fray Bentos: Refreshing
Fray Bentos: Sassenach bus
Fray Bentos: Ruminations on a photograph
Fray Bentos: A Scottish Peculiar