frau_k: 1/12 Candor loves to travel by car
frau_k: 2/12 beach boy Candor
frau_k: 3/12 Candor and the new neighbour
frau_k: 4/12 Candor in our new garden
frau_k: 5/12 Candor vs. Candor
frau_k: 06/12 Candor on the upper floor
frau_k: 07/12 Candor on a walk
frau_k: 08/12 Candor: always there if you need him
frau_k: 09/12 Picnic with Candor
frau_k: 10/12 Candor
frau_k: 11/12 Candor
frau_k: 12/12 Candor is looking forward