frau_k: [ 01/12 Candor - Time for a Walk ]
frau_k: [02/12 Candor loves holidays ]
frau_k: [03/12 Candor enjoys the forest ]
frau_k: [ 04/12] Candor is looking to the future
frau_k: [ 05/12] All blankets for Candor
frau_k: [06/12] Candor says "Thank You!"
frau_k: [07/12] Candor enjoys the garden
frau_k: [08/12] Candor in black/white
frau_k: [09/12] Candor on a morning walk
frau_k: 10/12 Candor send you flowers
frau_k: [11/12]Candor:"wait for me, Buba!"
frau_k: [12/12] Candor on holidays again :)