Scott Fraser: Dingman's Ferry Bridge
Scott Fraser: IMG_3041
Scott Fraser: IMG_3042
Scott Fraser: IMG_3043
Scott Fraser: IMG_3044
Scott Fraser: IMG_3049
Scott Fraser: IMG_3052
Scott Fraser: Bald Eagle takes a bath, Culver's Lake
Scott Fraser: Culver's Lake, near a Bald Eagle nest
Scott Fraser: IMG_3060
Scott Fraser: IMG_3062
Scott Fraser: IMG_3065
Scott Fraser: Wallkill NWR
Scott Fraser: Will Russell
Scott Fraser: IMG_3074
Scott Fraser: IMG_3075
Scott Fraser: IMG_3078
Scott Fraser: Great Swamp NWR - Wood Duck migration map
Scott Fraser: Gret Swamp NWR
Scott Fraser: Paul Guris, captain of the Nikon/DVOC team
Scott Fraser: IMG_3098
Scott Fraser: IMG_3100
Scott Fraser: IMG_3103
Scott Fraser: IMG_3104
Scott Fraser: Northern Swap Meet
Scott Fraser: IMG_3117
Scott Fraser: IMG_3050
Scott Fraser: Bald Eagle takes a bath, Culver's Lake
Scott Fraser: IMG_3063
Scott Fraser: I need a better car for this event