Fraser P: "Scottish salad"
Fraser P: Au Déjeuner de Sousceyrac
Fraser P: Au Déjeuner de Sousceyrac
Fraser P: Au Déjeuner de Sousceyrac
Fraser P: Au Déjeuner de Sousceyrac
Fraser P: Lamativie
Fraser P: Lamativie
Fraser P: Lamativie
Fraser P: Lamativie
Fraser P: Lamativie
Fraser P: La Bruyle
Fraser P: La Bruyle
Fraser P: Chateau de Saint-Michel-de-Bannières
Fraser P: Chateau de Saint-Michel-de-Bannières
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Carennac
Fraser P: Chapelle de Notre Dame
Fraser P: Chapelle de Notre Dame
Fraser P: Chapelle de Notre Dame
Fraser P: Chapelle de Notre Dame
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Carennac
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre
Fraser P: Priory church of St Pierre