Fraser P: Senate House 2
Fraser P: bulldogsB&W
Fraser P: bulldogsB&Wborder
Fraser P: Senate House 2
Fraser P: Porter
Fraser P: Cambridge Pasifikated
Fraser P: Backs
Fraser P: Backs (cropped)
Fraser P: Punts on the Cam, Cambridge
Fraser P: Making waves
Fraser P: H Gee
Fraser P: H Gee window 2
Fraser P: H Gee window 1
Fraser P: Punk night
Fraser P: Bond Street?
Fraser P: The Lion, the Witch and the Chiller Cabinet
Fraser P: Cambridge Darkroom
Fraser P: 57 Kings Parade
Fraser P: Redundancy
Fraser P: Hotel du Vin
Fraser P: Blossom
Fraser P: You can't not look
Fraser P: University Press
Fraser P: Chandelier
Fraser P: Peterhouse
Fraser P: Stairwell
Fraser P: On the escalator
Fraser P: above below
Fraser P: Modernist pooch
Fraser P: St Peter's Church