F68Photography: A bird in the hand..
F68Photography: Looking at you
F68Photography: Launched
F68Photography: Flight 2
F68Photography: In flight
F68Photography: Not impressed with the audience
F68Photography: Running along
F68Photography: Cartoon character?
F68Photography: Captain Beaky
F68Photography: Cool Ears
F68Photography: Selfie in its eye
F68Photography: Pretty laid back
F68Photography: Yep looking at something
F68Photography: Two Twit-a-woos
F68Photography: Serious look
F68Photography: You looking at me?
F68Photography: Got a bit of Orville about it
F68Photography: Pretty Scary
F68Photography: I see you
F68Photography: Winky Woo
F68Photography: Elder Statesman look
F68Photography: Hop-a-long