franzi`s stuff: Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig
franzi`s stuff: the long way home
franzi`s stuff: Reflection
franzi`s stuff: Which door would you choose? Which way would you go?
franzi`s stuff: Herbstrundgang Spinnerei Galerien/ Leipzig
franzi`s stuff: Herbstrundgang Spinnerei Galerien Leipzig
franzi`s stuff: Has anybody seen the pink swan?
franzi`s stuff: under the bridge
franzi`s stuff: one day baby we'll be old and think of all the stories that we could have told
franzi`s stuff: the Lady in White //10years ago
franzi`s stuff: Der Moment bevor die Welt untergeht
franzi`s stuff: i hope i'm old before i die
franzi`s stuff: dancing through the sunlight
franzi`s stuff: Endgegner besiegt!
franzi`s stuff: waiting for better days
franzi`s stuff: overexposed
franzi`s stuff: there are things only kids can see
franzi`s stuff: erste Gehversuche...10 Jahre eher
franzi`s stuff: "It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it."
franzi`s stuff: colour your world
franzi`s stuff: everything could be so easy
franzi`s stuff: take a seat...
franzi`s stuff: the easy things
franzi`s stuff: big city life
franzi`s stuff: Die Zeit vergeht, die Liebe bleibt.
franzi`s stuff: missing water
franzi`s stuff: irgendwo im Nirgendwo
franzi`s stuff: straight