Cats 99: Once upon a time....
Cats 99: Shadow's damaged ear
Cats 99: January 13, 2011
Cats 99: January 14, 2011
Cats 99: MC enjoys some supper
Cats 99: A nice drink of water
Cats 99: Shadow enjoying some supper
Cats 99: Where my heart is
Cats 99: MC in a tree
Cats 99: Pet me!
Cats 99: MC getting some petting
Cats 99: Shadow was late that day
Cats 99: Mmmm, supper is yummy!
Cats 99: They started following me back to the car
Cats 99: An evening with the feral cats - Shadow
Cats 99: An evening with the feral cats - MC
Cats 99: What's this water doing here?
Cats 99: Water fun for Shadow
Cats 99: Shadow in a playful mood
Cats 99: Welcome home!
Cats 99: DSC_1453
Cats 99: I think she looks tired
Cats 99: Shadow loves his mother
Cats 99: DSC_1458
Cats 99: MC checks out the toys
Cats 99: Tail still only at half mast
Cats 99: Smokey drops in to point out that he is the top cat
Cats 99: DSC_1456