Frants: The condo
Frants: Hot tub with view
Frants: Already relaxed
Frants: Moon
Frants: Blue sky and snow
Frants: The town of Aspen
Frants: A skier rocks Ajax
Frants: An ominous glow
Frants: Winter is no match for heated sidewalks
Frants: Another glorious Aspen day
Frants: The Quarterpipe
Frants: The WInter X-Games 12
Frants: The half pipe
Frants: Walking up the pipe
Frants: Looking down the pipe
Frants: Fly! Be Free!
Frants: Workin' it
Frants: Uh... McTwist?
Frants: Winter rooster tail
Frants: More pipe action
Frants: Some yellow guy flies over the big air jump
Frants: Den works the ladies
Frants: Frants laughs at the pipe!
Frants: Frants and Mayes on top of Ajax
Frants: Behold the majesty
Frants: Ready to go
Frants: Mayes is ready
Frants: Old Man Winter
Frants: Mayes above, Aspen below
Frants: Frants riding