Frants: Sexy hotel room
Frants: Conference room at Windowseat
Frants: Care to drop in?
Frants: What the....?!
Frants: The Black Beast!
Frants: The Saab Graveyard
Frants: Lazy eyed hippie
Frants: Off to a surprise!
Frants: Danger driver
Frants: THE AQUARIUM-um-um OF THE PACIFIC-ic-ic!!!!
Frants: Awwwwww
Frants: Fish
Frants: BIG ASS WHALE!!!!!
Frants: Give me garlic butter
Frants: Dance with me, jelly
Frants: I call the big one Sting-y.
Frants: Willam Dafoe!
Frants: Duck touches
Frants: Duck continues to touch.
Frants: Ray feels violated
Frants: Ttrriippyy
Frants: A meeting of prawn
Frants: Showdown
Frants: Majestic!!!!
Frants: Screensaver
Frants: Mushy
Frants: The f*&k you looking at?
Frants: Underwater
Frants: Fish or coral?
Frants: Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo Nemo