Frants: Pre-dinner drinks
Frants: Album cover
Frants: Deer. Headlights.
Frants: He does this a lot since he's been married.
Frants: Where's her other hand?
Frants: Red eye!
Frants: Artsy
Frants: Pongal
Frants: So much deliciousness!
Frants: Gareth considers a rice dish
Frants: Diesel and she-who-will-not-be-named consider a rice dish
Frants: Metal cup
Frants: Gar order 1 beer
Frants: Again, the red eyes...
Frants: Crazy Indian beer
Frants: Kevin eats... or vomited on his plate
Frants: Wee Barth is sated (at last)
Frants: those two again
Frants: Action shot!
Frants: Pensive and beer - Still Life
Frants: Did I leave the gas on?
Frants: We found the Flying Horse label undercooked
Frants: Indian food affects us all differently, but at the same time.