Frans Harren: Oporto Cathedral
Frans Harren: Oporto Cathedral
Frans Harren: Portuguese tiles on the side of Oporto Cathedral
Frans Harren: Panorama - Porto as seen from Oporto Cathedral
Frans Harren: Small angels - Café Majestic
Frans Harren: Old mirrors - Café Majestic
Frans Harren: Ceiling in Café Majestic
Frans Harren: Clock in the trainstation of Porto
Frans Harren: Mural showing the Battle of Ceuta in the station of Porto
Frans Harren: Trainstation of Porto
Frans Harren: Portuguese tiles in the main hall of the trainstation of Porto
Frans Harren: Police Head Quarters
Frans Harren: Public Toilets
Frans Harren: Porto Tram City Tour
Frans Harren: Porto Tram City Tour
Frans Harren: House prepared for the World Cup Soccer 2010
Frans Harren: Reis Filhos
Frans Harren: Church of the Carmelites - Main altar
Frans Harren: Church of the Carmelites - Main altar
Frans Harren: Praça de Gomes Teixeira
Frans Harren: Square in front of Church of the Carmelites / Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Frans Harren: Left: Church of the Carmelites / Right: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Frans Harren: Church of Saint Ildefonso
Frans Harren: Church of Saint Ildefonso
Frans Harren: Main altar - Igreja de São Francisco
Frans Harren: Igreja de São Francisco
Frans Harren: Side altar - Igreja de São Francisco
Frans Harren: Side altar - Igreja de São Francisco
Frans Harren: Side altar - Igreja de São Francisco
Frans Harren: Side altar - Igreja de São Francisco