FranMoff: Helm's Deep set-up
FranMoff: Aragorn and Gimli sneak through the side door
FranMoff: Aragorn and Gimli prepare to jump
FranMoff: Legolas and his bow
FranMoff: Rohan swordsman fighting an Uruk-hai
FranMoff: Theoden rides out
FranMoff: An Elven archer takes aim through the battlement
FranMoff: An climbing orc is shot by a Rohan archer
FranMoff: The berserker about to light the explosives
FranMoff: Legolas takes aim as the berserker runs towards the expolosives
FranMoff: Eomer fighting an Uruk-hai
FranMoff: Rohan swordsman fighting an Uruk-hai
FranMoff: A Rohan archer shoots at an orc on a ladder
FranMoff: Legolas takes aim at the berserker
FranMoff: Theoden rides out