FranMoff: Submarine memorial at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA
FranMoff: Submarine memorial at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA
FranMoff: Submarine memorial at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA
FranMoff: Submarine memorial at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA
FranMoff: Submarine memorial at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA
FranMoff: Submarine memorial at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA
FranMoff: Submarine memorial at the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA
FranMoff: Sign for the USS Olympia and the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Protected Cruiser USS Olympia (C-6/CA-15/CL-15/IX-40) and submarine USS Becuna (SS-319)
FranMoff: USS Becuna (SS-319)
FranMoff: USS Becuna
FranMoff: Looking toward the bow of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Above deck, looking towards the stern of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: USS Becuna's number 319
FranMoff: Retractable fin on the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Bow of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Conning tower of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Conning tower of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Conning tower of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: USS Becuna's number 319
FranMoff: Periscope and equipment on top of the conning tower of the USS Becuna.
FranMoff: Periscope and equipment on top of the conning tower of the USS Becuna.
FranMoff: Piece of equipment on top of the conning tower of the USS Becuna.
FranMoff: Conning tower of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Bridge of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Bridge of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Bridge of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Conning tower of the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Jeff on the USS Becuna
FranMoff: Engine induct valve and snorkel intake valve on the USS Becuna