FranMoff: Stern of the John W. Brown seen from Conley's Wharf
FranMoff: Stern of the John W. Brown seen from Conley's Wharf
FranMoff: Rudder and propeller of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Depth marking on the hull of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Stern gangway of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Information about the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Information about the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Information about the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Aft mast and rigging of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Air intake on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Door to tween deck on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Aft mast and rigging on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Insignia and life preserver on the stern gun deck of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Door to the U.S. Navy Armed Guards quarters on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Photos of WWII Naval Armed Guard personnel in their quarters on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Navy Armed Guard quarters on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Porthole in Armed Guard quarters on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: USN helmet in the Armed Guard quarters on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Navy Armed Guard quarters on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Betty Grable autographed picture on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Photo on the John W. Brown of John C. Rhodes, WWII veteran and Board Member of Project Liberty Ship
FranMoff: "A slip of the lip can sink a ship" poster on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: US Naval Vessels (aircraft carriers) chart on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Pinup on the quarters of John Confair, USN
FranMoff: US flag on the stern gun deck of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: 5" gun on the stern gun deck of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Stern of the John W. Brown
FranMoff: Looking in through the porthole to Navy Armed Guard quarters
FranMoff: Winch in front of the armed guard quarters on the John W. Brown
FranMoff: 5" gun on the stern gun deck of the John W. Brown