FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Gillig's Odd Years
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Modesto Gillig's Messages!
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Laying Over At Modesto
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Airport Bound Routes
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Gilligs & New Flyers
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Another Gaggle Of Gilligs
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Modesto's Finest Neighbors
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Prescott Subdivision Busses
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: MAX Southern Pacific's!
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: A Gaggle of Gilligs
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: California's Layovers
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: New Flyer's Crushed
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: Mechanics Departure
FranksRails Photography, LLC.: North End Layovers