F J R: bee_b_square_flower_PCG_100824_072923
F J R: squirrel_treee_climb_a_122423
F J R: squirrel_portrait_whiskers_121923
F J R: goldfinch_yellow_plumage_winter_121223
F J R: window_display_still_life_spice_120423
F J R: deer_metal_bokeh_120423
F J R: lute_ornament_112723
F J R: finch_eating_snow_square_112623
F J R: thanksgiving_side_food_squash_112323
F J R: three_geese_flight_111623
F J R: drink_bloody_mary_110923
F J R: stone_bridge_miller_park_100323
F J R: bike_handlebar_equipment_red_102923
F J R: Fall_leaves_redbud_yellow_102623
F J R: Fall_foliage_dawson_lake_102123
F J R: red_green_tomato_center_drops_101423
F J R: barge_long_wide_river_100723
F J R: mural_team_communism_092423
F J R: berlin_cathedral_092423
F J R: Berlin ICE train to Hamburg at the Hauptbahnhof (Central Station Berlin) as we did a little bit of travel to the Hamburg Miniature Wunderland prior to our daughter running the Berlin Marathon on Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023. Have a great week!
F J R: macro_branch_drop_091623
F J R: woman_horse_fast_barrel_palomino_090623
F J R: el_football_090223
F J R: chipmunk_brown_082623
F J R: river_kankakee_train_bridge_082023
F J R: dove_birdbath_081923
F J R: flowers_street_cedarburg_081123
F J R: cicada_molt_shell_080523
F J R: rocky_mountain_valley_denver_072023
F J R: nature's_patterns_flowers_bee_072823