Frankr: 新航新飛機, 銀幕好大
Frankr: LCD 下方還有小燈
Frankr: the remote is beneath the LCD
Frankr: 有質感的 remote
Frankr: it has StarOffice too
Frankr: you can write your essay here
Frankr: the UI is nice too
Frankr: Welcome to Singapore
Frankr: JW 已經佔領了 both TW & SG airport
Frankr: 機場的 DFS 被酒商佈置的還不錯
Frankr: 行李排排站
Frankr: here we are at Pan Pacific Hotel
Frankr: nice 5 star hotel
Frankr: big LCD TV too
Frankr: cozy bed
Frankr: didn't get a chance to use it and relax
Frankr: very clean
Frankr: the shower is nice
Frankr: i used to stay at Conrad in my previous biz trip
Frankr: hotel室內屋頂
Frankr: hotel室內屋頂
Frankr: lounge in the lobby
Frankr: 飯店刻意留了些透光的空間
Frankr: SG 也有飆車族
Frankr: 財富之泉
Frankr: SG Bike Bike Fest
Frankr: inside Raffles Hotel
Frankr: 有 villa的感覺
Frankr: Raffles 角落一拍
Frankr: 好像應該在裡面彈古箏