Phenomenal Phrank!:
Its coming along!
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Ed checks out the second floor
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Phenomenal Phrank!:
The view....sigh.
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Did I see Blair? Blair Witch?
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Master Bathroom
Phenomenal Phrank!:
View of the Great Room windows
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Sitting where the fireplace will be.
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Ed checks out the kitchen
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Ahhh gotcha!
Phenomenal Phrank!:
What was the (*(#Q@*( measurement?
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Fiona makes a stand
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Fiona checks out the loft
Phenomenal Phrank!:
From down below.
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Ed strolls around
Phenomenal Phrank!:
What? Blair?
Phenomenal Phrank!:
I think this is the best Blair Witch picture to date.
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Intact mobile!
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Wallatolla's little toy.
Phenomenal Phrank!:
Hot diggity dog!
Phenomenal Phrank!:
AM i so cool or what?