Firis: Leaf and Tree
Firis: Potters Marsh
Firis: Arctic Valley Colors
Firis: Knik Valley Mtn
Firis: Knik Glacier Valley View
Firis: painted birch
Firis: Boulder stream
Firis: Birch and Fire
Firis: Bark and bushes
Firis: Trees and bushes
Firis: painted bush
Firis: Fire leaves
Firis: Fire leaves
Firis: fernwood
Firis: ferns
Firis: colors
Firis: Captured Leaf
Firis: stump color
Firis: seed tree
Firis: little tree
Firis: forest weed
Firis: Fire Leaves
Firis: Light Path
Firis: Televalley
Firis: Fading trees
Firis: slope of colors
Firis: RLT
Firis: RLT_P91143
Firis: RLT_P9114364
Firis: Rabbit Lake Trail