Frank Hendriks Photography: Don’t you own anything pink? What’s wrong with this?
Frank Hendriks Photography: I survived a dreadful accident in a car crash. My shattered hopes collapsed on cold cement. But in the back of the ambulance I'd never felt so content.
Frank Hendriks Photography: For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
Frank Hendriks Photography: He who seeks to regulate everything by law is more likely to arouse vices than to reform them.
Frank Hendriks Photography: I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Somewhere in the world there is a place for all of us, whether you are an electric form of decoration, peppermint-scented sweet, a source of timber, or a potato pancake.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Have so many merry little pots bubbling away in the fire of my enthusiasm: future trips, modern poetry, Yeats, Sitwell, T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden, villanelles, maybe The New Yorker. Spring, biking, breathing, sunning, tanning. All so lovely and potential.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Don't look in the bin, all you'll find is the rubbish.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another.
Frank Hendriks Photography: How simple life is. It's as simple as this: you're hungry and you eat, you're full and you shit. Between eating and shitting, that's where human life is found.
Frank Hendriks Photography: I always say - a prejudice on my part, I'm sure - you can tell a lot about a person's character from his choice of car.
Frank Hendriks Photography: I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Hungry man, reach for the book: it is a weapon.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Follow your heart.
Frank Hendriks Photography: A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
Frank Hendriks Photography: The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.
Frank Hendriks Photography: A human being should be able to change a diaper, butcher a hog, write a sonnet, build a wall, comfort the dying, take orders, cooperate, solve equations, pitch manure, and cook a tasty meal. Specialization is for insects.
Frank Hendriks Photography: It just didn’t work out.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Sorry, not all of us can be as awesome.
Frank Hendriks Photography: I'm not a local, I just live here.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Live or die, but don't poison everything.
Frank Hendriks Photography: All that we have is that shout into the wind - how we live. How we go. And how we stand before we fall.
Frank Hendriks Photography: The best way out is always through.
Frank Hendriks Photography: A sip of wine, a cigarette, and then it’s time to go. I tidied up the kitchenette; I tuned the old banjo. I’m wanted at the traffic-jam. They’re saving me a seat.