Franco Cozzo: High Fashion.
Franco Cozzo: Tarp wave
Franco Cozzo: Lottie Ant Cat
Franco Cozzo: Archway of love
Franco Cozzo: Dudes.Walking.
Franco Cozzo: No swim for us
Franco Cozzo: Dude.With.Flask
Franco Cozzo: Dudes. On. Blankets.
Franco Cozzo: Yes, you.
Franco Cozzo: Ant&Cat
Franco Cozzo: Spunks
Franco Cozzo: Oooh yeahhhh
Franco Cozzo: Keeping watch
Franco Cozzo: Hi there
Franco Cozzo: too much excitement for the kids
Franco Cozzo: SURPRISE!
Franco Cozzo: Spot the difference 5
Franco Cozzo: Spot the difference 4
Franco Cozzo: Spot the difference 3
Franco Cozzo: Spot the difference 2
Franco Cozzo: Spot the difference 1
Franco Cozzo: Notorious L.I.A & Mich
Franco Cozzo: Michele
Franco Cozzo: Golden Plains
Franco Cozzo: Nice backdrop