Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Goodman's Mouse Lemur - Microcebus lehilahytsara
tomblandford: Morning In The Badlands
br5491255: Sunset at Etosha
David Renwald: Bison - Yellowstone NP
leendert3: Hyena puppy
Marcello Galleano: BLACK LEOPARD
KaAuenwasser: Eichhörnchen Portrait
Dennis Westover: Giraffe and colt - Masai Mara, Kenya, Africa
2jsworldofadventure: Elephant enjoying the mud!, along the Chobe River, Botswana 20230522
leendert3: Cape Turtle-Dove
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Redwing - Turdus iliacus
Bruno Conjeaud: Tawny Eagle
andrébordas: Coucher de soleil
tomblandford: Large And In Charge
KaAuenwasser: Alles meins!
nicole le roy91: Spotted hyena ,Hyène tachetée (Crocuta crocuta)/Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park,South Africa
IntrepidXJ: Faded Circles
IntrepidXJ: Little Petroglyphs
IntrepidXJ: Medallion Anthropomorph
Stoffel Lombard: Elephants at play
Stoffel Lombard: Little one
bud_marschner: Willow Ptarmigan_4S1A8350
Shelley O'Connell: PC208770 copy
Nitin's Photography: Finding peace in the wild
tomblandford: Plains Bison Cow and Calf Tule Elk during rut on a foggy morning
jmahiquesmeseguer: Sifaka de Verreaux
davezimmerman906: Great Gray Owl hunting
leendert3: White-fronted Bee-eater