francescatherinephotography: black-eyed susans
francescatherinephotography: gerbers - my favourites!
francescatherinephotography: "There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed." - Gandhi
francescatherinephotography: beneath the magnolia tree
francescatherinephotography: Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. - Helen Keller
francescatherinephotography: "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Gandhi
francescatherinephotography: "We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom." - D. Eisenhower
francescatherinephotography: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." - Maya Angelou
francescatherinephotography: seasons of change
francescatherinephotography: a pretty flower by the lake