frances_frog: mike and frances
frances_frog: MIKE!!!!!
frances_frog: Group Photo
frances_frog: Aric and Mike
frances_frog: Sunset over the Dunes
frances_frog: Another Sunset Shot
frances_frog: Aric does a Front Handspring
frances_frog: Mike and Frances
frances_frog: Aric and Aline
frances_frog: Aric and Aline Numero Dos
frances_frog: Aric and Aline Numero Tres
frances_frog: Aric and Aline Numero Quattro
frances_frog: Aric and Aline Numero Cinco
frances_frog: Aric and Aline Numero Seis
frances_frog: waiting for the sunset
frances_frog: Me & Mike
frances_frog: Nuther Sunset Shot
frances_frog: Sunset over the sound
frances_frog: Aric and Aline with the sun
frances_frog: Glowing Orb
frances_frog: Yet Another
frances_frog: Aric and Aline with Sunset Background
frances_frog: More sunset
frances_frog: Sunset sans bystanders
frances_frog: Toucan Sam Kite
frances_frog: Toucan Sam Kite
frances_frog: Archeopteryx Kite
frances_frog: Aric and Aline on the Dunes
frances_frog: Kites and the Moon