the Art of Waiting: matí, llum, primavera
the Art of Waiting: des de Cabaret
the Art of Waiting: groc a Coustaussa
the Art of Waiting: una mica de color als bunkers
the Art of Waiting: primavera al Priorat
the Art of Waiting: Barcelona als meus peus
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: tres colors
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: més blanc
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: verd
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: més groc
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: groc
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: vermell
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: blanc
the Art of Waiting: més gotes
the Art of Waiting: tarda d'hivern
the Art of Waiting: orquídea davant orquídea
the Art of Waiting: night flowers
the Art of Waiting: Giant's flower
the Art of Waiting: Miami Vice
the Art of Waiting: tarda de primavera
the Art of Waiting: reciclant la Fageda II
the Art of Waiting: Rila mountains
the Art of Waiting: roca colom
the Art of Waiting: tarongers i Sevilla
the Art of Waiting: gegant adormit
the Art of Waiting: flora i fauna