the Art of Waiting: Graffiti nocturn
the Art of Waiting: paleo-graffiti
the Art of Waiting: de les ombres
the Art of Waiting: 13 Rue graffitera
the Art of Waiting: light years
the Art of Waiting: el veí del costat
the Art of Waiting: més sabatilles
the Art of Waiting: què passa?
the Art of Waiting: death drivers
the Art of Waiting: a través del parc
the Art of Waiting: BarceSonar
the Art of Waiting: graffitiz2
the Art of Waiting: sospitosos habituals
the Art of Waiting: pensant a Chueca
the Art of Waiting: bon dia, graffitiz!
the Art of Waiting: graffit(ero)
the Art of Waiting: Ravalejant: davant La Parra
the Art of Waiting: Ravalejant: a La Parra
the Art of Waiting: Ravalejant: de verges i bombones
the Art of Waiting: not a trend
the Art of Waiting: els tres de KL
the Art of Waiting: I love color