the Art of Waiting: capvespre d'hivern
the Art of Waiting: Christmas lights (until 9 pm)
the Art of Waiting: Majestic en moviment
the Art of Waiting: tarda d'hivern
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: blanc
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: vermell
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: groc
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: més groc
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: verd
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: tres colors
the Art of Waiting: colors d'hivern: més blanc
the Art of Waiting: Vet aquí un gos...
the Art of Waiting: aquí Montserrat...
the Art of Waiting: aigua i gel
the Art of Waiting: ...i aquest bar és tancat
the Art of Waiting: Close encounters of the third kind: la fàbrica
the Art of Waiting: un altre mirall
the Art of Waiting: no m'agafareu!
the Art of Waiting: tirabuixó