the Art of Waiting:
capvespre sobre el cantabric
the Art of Waiting:
the Art of Waiting:
camí de ronda
the Art of Waiting:
the Art of Waiting:
the Art of Waiting:
al port
the Art of Waiting:
cap per vall
the Art of Waiting:
mamá pato
the Art of Waiting:
the Art of Waiting:
Ses Salines
the Art of Waiting:
Es Vedrà
the Art of Waiting:
davant del mar
the Art of Waiting:
capvespre a Punta Galera
the Art of Waiting:
geometria diversa
the Art of Waiting:
groc i blau
the Art of Waiting:
pinzellades de foc
the Art of Waiting:
explosió de llum
the Art of Waiting:
the Art of Waiting:
el meu jardí al mar
the Art of Waiting:
Barceloneta nocturna
the Art of Waiting:
sota la lluna
the Art of Waiting:
perseguint el llamp
the Art of Waiting:
cap a Bako
the Art of Waiting:
platja de Bako
the Art of Waiting:
marea alta
the Art of Waiting:
desembarcant a Bako
the Art of Waiting:
l'hora de la migdiada
the Art of Waiting:
agafa'm aquest perfil
the Art of Waiting:
m'agafes bé?
the Art of Waiting:
Platja Paku