f a b: Nose fights
f a b: There there
f a b: A nice cold ice on a...um...cold day
f a b: Breaking the ice
f a b: Face/off
f a b: poised and ready
f a b: Hot breath on a cold day
f a b: Mara
f a b: Eyes and scales
f a b: Oscar eyes
f a b: Chaffinch
f a b: Chinese water deer
f a b: Abyssinian Ground Hornbill
f a b: Abyssinian Eyes
f a b: Dennis
f a b: nuzzle
f a b: Rockhopping
f a b: Get AWAYYYY
f a b: Following which leader?
f a b: A tribute to the 5th element
f a b: Looking into the mist
f a b: Buffalo Gruffalo