frances bell: Le Macine
frances bell: The pressing process (in Italian)
frances bell: Olives before riddling
frances bell: Olives ready for Riddling
frances bell: The output from riddling
frances bell: Riddled olives
frances bell: A family's olives labelled up and ready for the process
frances bell: Grinding wheels to generate the pulp
frances bell: PB090671
frances bell: The pulp being squirted onto the filter trays
frances bell: The pulp
frances bell: 45 minutes pressing
frances bell: 45 minutes pressing - see the filters
frances bell: The waste from the centrifuge after pressing
frances bell: The oil!
frances bell: The oil in the churn
frances bell: One families' churns
frances bell: They got 18.8%
frances bell: Villa Rovardi from the frantoio
frances bell: Peter's villa from the frantoio
frances bell: View of Arpino from the frantoio