Frances J: Urban Shapes uned DSC01950
Frances J: Pigeon 5 uned DSC01977
Frances J: Pigeon 6 uned DSC01982
Frances J: Chess Anyone uned DSC02018
Frances J: Downtown Sculpture uned DSC02028
Frances J: Reaching Out 2 uned DSC02045
Frances J: Table for One cropped ed DSC02052
Frances J: The Ellis ed cropped DSC02074
Frances J: Down Town ed DSC02077
Frances J: Sir Wooliam ed crop DSC02097
Frances J: Reflections on the Curve ed crop DSC02117
Frances J: Reflections on the Curve 2 ed cropped DSC02120
Frances J: Angles and Shapes ed crop DSC02133
Frances J: Railing uned DSC02139
Frances J: Angles uned DSC02147
Frances J: Reflected Rectangles uned DSC02157
Frances J: Angles ed crop DSC02173
Frances J: Cross ed crop DSC02186
Frances J: Coming Home ed crop DSC02209