Frances J: Tonka Toy DSC01768
Frances J: Lady of the House DSC01807
Frances J: The Party was Here DSC01812
Frances J: Up on the Roof DSC01818
Frances J: 3 in a Row DSC01823
Frances J: Garden Angel DSC01865
Frances J: Rooster DSC01866
Frances J: Child's Art DSC01884
Frances J: Tree Lichen DSC01897
Frances J: The Mouse in the Tunnel DSC01914
Frances J: The Mouse in the Tunnel 2 DSC01917
Frances J: Hiding in the Garden DSC01764
Frances J: Porch Art cropped ed DSC01774
Frances J: Porch and Arbor DSC01777
Frances J: Old Car ed DSC01780
Frances J: Playground Art DSC01784
Frances J: Playground Stools ed DSC01787
Frances J: Through the Stone Circle ed DSC01790
Frances J: DSC01803 color ed cropped
Frances J: DSC01804 col cropped
Frances J: DSC01825 uned
Frances J: Graffiti Tunnel IMG_6933
Frances J: Footprints IMG_6868
Frances J: Barnes Store Front 2 IMG_6870
Frances J: Peace in the City unedited IMG_6881
Frances J: The Red Door IMG_6883
Frances J: House with Color IMG_6892
Frances J: Roosevelt's House IMG_6901
Frances J: Row Houses IMG_6903
Frances J: Roosevelt's House 2 IMG_6904