oranges and apples: Charcoal non-slouchy Sophie beret
oranges and apples: I made some brooches
oranges and apples: billie stripy beanie in petrol and dark green
oranges and apples: handknit felted flower brooches/pins
oranges and apples: billie beanie in burgundy and grey
oranges and apples: long multicoloured stripy scarf
oranges and apples: alex hat in petrol blue
oranges and apples: charleston headband in burgundy
oranges and apples: button headband in charcoal
oranges and apples: feather and fan scarflette in petrol
oranges and apples: feather and fan scarflette in petrol
oranges and apples: feather and fan scarflette in orange
oranges and apples: feather and fan scarflette in orange
oranges and apples: charleston headband in cream
oranges and apples: ribbed button headband
oranges and apples: ribbed button headband in burgundy
oranges and apples: handfelted flower brooch in orange
oranges and apples: cara scarlette in bright red
oranges and apples: alex beret in bright red cashmere
oranges and apples: green and red autumn colours feather and fan
oranges and apples: scarf detail
oranges and apples: orangey autumnal colours feather and fan scarflette
oranges and apples: hanknit felted flower brooches/pins
oranges and apples: alex gloves in purple
oranges and apples: alex gloves in burgundy
oranges and apples: green and cream stripey fingerless gloves
oranges and apples: alex beret in burgundy
oranges and apples: sophie beret in dark purple
oranges and apples: Cara scarflette in navy