CM Sims: Down In a West Texas Town
CM Sims: I'd Say Its About The Size Of Texas
CM Sims: Definitely Not Kansas
CM Sims: An Hour Later
CM Sims: Rockies, from 37,000 ft.
CM Sims: Columbia River and Mt. St. Helens
CM Sims: Snow in Portland, from 32,000 ft.
CM Sims: Planet of Ice
CM Sims: Near Earth
CM Sims: Louisville (west end) from about 28,000 feet
CM Sims: Somewhere over Chicago on my descent to O'Hare. That might be Midway below.
CM Sims: Wanna guess which city that is below me?
CM Sims: Chicago on the horizon at the hazy lakeshore. Big ol quarry below.
CM Sims: Dendritic drainage patterns in the flatlands of southern Illinois.
CM Sims: Wouldn't this make a great album cover?
CM Sims: Wanna guess this city? I'll give you a hint: that highway interchange is named for a type of pasta