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Earth by CM Sims
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CM Sims
Down In a West Texas Town
CM Sims
I'd Say Its About The Size Of Texas
CM Sims
Definitely Not Kansas
CM Sims
An Hour Later
CM Sims
CM Sims
CM Sims
Rockies, from 37,000 ft.
CM Sims
Columbia River and Mt. St. Helens
CM Sims
Snow in Portland, from 32,000 ft.
CM Sims
Planet of Ice
CM Sims
Near Earth
CM Sims
Louisville (west end) from about 28,000 feet
CM Sims
Somewhere over Chicago on my descent to O'Hare. That might be Midway below.
CM Sims
Wanna guess which city that is below me?
CM Sims
Chicago on the horizon at the hazy lakeshore. Big ol quarry below.
CM Sims
Dendritic drainage patterns in the flatlands of southern Illinois.
CM Sims
Wouldn't this make a great album cover?
CM Sims
Wanna guess this city? I'll give you a hint: that highway interchange is named for a type of pasta