fragmented: drawing by Tierra Nelson, KCAI
fragmented: student work, KCAI
fragmented: outside the painting building, KCAI
fragmented: sculpture, KCAI
fragmented: mish-mash (on the wall in Illustration)
fragmented: drawings by Chloe George, KCAI
fragmented: piece by Claire Faulhaber, KCAI Illustration End of Semester show, 2012
fragmented: The Black Keys band poster, Jamie Kepko, KCAI Illustration End of Semester show, 2012
fragmented: modular shelf, KCAI Ceramics End of Semester show, 2012
fragmented: i love these ceramic tiles, KCAI Ceramics department
fragmented: paper installation, KCAI Sculpture department
fragmented: Royal Portfolio Brand, Fireproof Press, KCAI, 1993. Brought this in to share with my students today. Lots of wonderful prints in this set.
fragmented: The 3x3s are coming!
fragmented: Aaron Shaefer, Fall 2011
fragmented: Aaron Shaefer, Spring 2012
fragmented: Amanda Muzquiz, Fall 2012
fragmented: Andy Ozier, Spring 2011
fragmented: Austin Gober, Fall 2012
fragmented: Austin Pritchett, Fall 2012
fragmented: Bennie Thompson, Fall 2012
fragmented: Cale Hathaway, Fall 2012
fragmented: Carrie Riehl, Fall 2012
fragmented: Cecilia Otero, Spring 2012
fragmented: Celina Curry, Fall 2011
fragmented: Charika Billie, Fall 2011
fragmented: Chloe George, Spring 2012
fragmented: Claire Brankin, Spring 2011
fragmented: Claire Faulhaber, Fall 2011
fragmented: David White, Spring 2012
fragmented: Devin Koehler